Percussion: Greg Power & Genevieve Hilburn
Drumline Representative: OPEN
7/8 Representative: OPEN
Time Commitments
Classroom / Practice Schedule:
- Rehearsals: Tuesdays & Thursdays, Directly After School During Season
Annual Performances & Events
7/8 Winter Drumline
- Multiple day-long competitions on weekends from February-April
- Friends and Family Show – April
The LCHS 7/8 Winter Drum Line
The LCHS 7/8 Winter Drum Line competes in both American Drum Line Association (ADLA) and Southern California Percussion Alliance (SCPA) competitions. Drum Line competitions are held indoors and feature both drill movements and pit percussion (front ensemble). Drum Line is an extra-curricular activity and meets after school. It is open to 7/8 students.