Recording Studio Transformation

The LCHS Music Parents Association and the Spartan Boosters Club are working hard to raise funds to update the LCHS Instrumental Music Room.
The long-needed updates and upgrades will transform it into a working recording studio for the Music department and all the other performing arts including the Choral, TV-Film, and Theater departments.
It will include recording studio equipment and a recording mix room… As well as new carpeting, lighting, wiring, new paint, and instrumental storage.
We hope to raise enough funding to install recording equipment and update the current conditions of the facility.
We can’t reach these goals without you.

Music Careers
All musicians are taught performance, however the majority of job opportunities in music are in recording. By adding recording studio equipment, students would be exposed to performing for recording, how to record music, microphone placements, arrangements for recordings, music composition, music mixing, and post-production music for film and television.

Industry Skills
Students can learn how to lay down music tracks for them to play along with at home. Students can learn how to work with the TV and Theater departments to record and score music for students’ school productions. They could record music CDs and combine efforts with the with the choral department. This would allow our music department to grow and be contemporary with the music industry today. It is very exciting!
The Current Conditions
Please donate whatever you can to our mission to improve and update the Instrumental Music Department facilities, and increase the music education and creative offerings to our students.
If you have questions, or need more information, please contact:
Jason Stone
LCHS Instrumental Music Department Director
Wayne Page
LCHS MPA 7/8 Representative
Spartan Boosters Director