Cello Mixup – Check your Cases

At the Dinner Show, someone mistakenly took the wrong cello case. Please check you cello case and make sure it’s yours. See the photos to the right. The owner of the missing case would like to have their’s back. If you have the case, please let Ms. Munday know.

Ireland – Uniform

If your student has not picked up their marching uniform, shako, plume, gauntlets, and rain poncho, please have them contact Sandy Miller ASAP: smiller@lcusd.net or text or Facebook… They know how to reach her.

LCHS MPA 2018-2019 Officers

It’s time to start filling the MPA Board Slate for 2018-2019.

Click here for a list of our current Board and their positions.

We have some big shoes to fill with our graduating senior parents… President, CFO, Fundraising — just to name a few. Now is the time! It’s a rewarding experience working with some pretty amazing parents, and watching the students grow, learn, and excel! It is worth the time… Give it a try.

If you’re interested in holding one of these positions, please let our current President, Mark Urata, know.

Contribute to the LCHS MPA

If you haven’t had a chance, there is still time to contribute your donation to the LCHS MPA before the end of the year. These donations are figured into our budget to keep the program up and running.

If you’d like to donate, please contact Cliff Guan, our CFO.

Festival – Friday, March 9th – Volunteers Needed

On Friday, March 9th, we will host a Festival at LCHS.

Students from area schools (including our students) will perform. Their performance will be rated by three judges.

The LCHS MPA will host a snack stand throughout the event for the visiting schools. We’re looking for a couple of volunteers to help setup early Friday morning, and running the stand throughout the event. Student’s will also be helping.

Please click here to help or donate items.

Ireland – Instrument Transportation Fee/Uniform Pickup

Transportation Fee
As discussed at the Ireland meeting, there will be an additional charge for getting the instruments to Ireland. After consulting with the tour company, the fee will be $100 per participant (students, parents, chaperones). This fee also includes the purchase of your Ireland jacket.
Checks can be made payable to “LCHS MPA.” Please write “Ireland” on the memo line. Your student can put the check in the locked black box in the band room.

This fee is due this week.

Uniform Pickup
If your student is marching in the Ireland parade, they will pickup their Uniform on Wednesday, March 7th, after the Festival Concert. At that time, the students will be issues a plume, gauntlets, and a rain poncho. All items must be packed in their luggage. If your student cannot pickup their uniform at that time, please have them arrange a time with Mrs. Miller.

Festival Volunteers

Festival is Friday, March 9th.

We are looking for a volunteer to help setup the snack booth early in the morning, as well as helpers to run the snack booth throughout the day.  Please consider helping!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

As we are in the final preparations for our concert and festival performance this week, I contemplate how to “bump up” getting ready. We have practiced a lot – gone through the motions, as it were – of what will go on at the performances. I look back on my own life of performances, and I’m sorry that so many of them were done in a state of nervous anticipation rather than enjoyment. I think the secret is to practice like the dickens prior to the performance, and then perform with joy. I wish this for each and every student performing this week!