Sep 28, 2020 | Ms. Munday's News
As Covid and remote learning continue on, I thought it might be a good time to look at the “upside” of quarantine, since we are all acutely aware of the “downside.” Personally, I have read more in this period than at any other time of my life. I can almost feel my brain expanding! Also, I have had some very gratifying heart to heart conversations with some people who normally would be way too busy to have conversations like that. Last of all, it has given me the opportunity to realize and appreciate the most important things in my life which are health, family, friends, music, and memories.
Please have a safe and happy week.
Sep 28, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
As we finish up September and move into October, I am thankful for all the hard work that has been going on for these opening six weeks. Lots of good practicing, moving, and connecting have been happening, and I am hoping that we all see the fruit of our work blossoming. Keep up the great work, focus, and fun! Keep being better musicians and people! Keep enjoying each day! Have a great week!
Sep 14, 2020 | Fundraising
The next order date is September 14th. This fundraiser benefits your student’s account.
To Order:
If you have questions, please contact Ceci Nava.
Sep 14, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
Thank you all for a great week and for a wonderful back to school night. It was good to see you all! Lots of great work happening with our students as we work to learn new music and movement for our Virtual Marching show as well as some new music for future small projects.
Thank you all for your hard work and patience as we continue to grow and make music. Have a great week! Stay safe!
Sep 14, 2020 | Ms. Munday's News
It was so great to see so many parents at the Back to School Night last week! Your support is greatly appreciated!
Chamber music pieces are now given out, along with coaching assignments. This is a new thing for everyone in Orchestra to be playing in a small group and I’m super excited about the groups that were formed and the music being played!
Stay safe this week.
Sep 14, 2020 | MPA Board, Parents
MPA Meeting
Monday, September 14th
Sep 14, 2020 | Fundraising
BIG news: ThankScriping Day is coming Thursday, September 17th.
You’ll have the opportunity to earn up to 20% with 85+ bonuses on eGift cards and reloaded gift cards – for one day only. Mark your calendar to help our organization do some serious fundraising, without even leaving home.
Watch the ShopWithScrip Facebook page for more details!
Sep 14, 2020 | Fundraising, Outside Activities
This practice test is for ALL students. Students do not need to be music program or LCHS students, so invite your friends! (All students need to say they are registering for the “LCHS MPA Fundraiser”).
At $20, this is a GREAT deal for every student from Freshmen and Sophomores who want to exposure to the tests to Juniors and Seniors to take multiple times to prep for the actual tests, and to decide whether they test better on SAT or ACT.
All proceeds go to the Music Parents Association, so sign-up today!
September 19, 2020
Register by September 17th
9am to 1pm
Choose: ACT or SAT.
Price: $20 (Fundraiser for the LCHS Instrumental Music Program)
Location: Live online via Zoom. Registered students will receive an email two days before the test, including a test to download, answer sheets to print, and login instructions.
Register Here
After registering, please email Jean Stroud with registered test taker’s name, and with the referring instrumental student. Please do this step so the instrumental music student can get credit for your registration.
If you have questions, please contact Jean Stroud, Revolution Prep Academic Advisor, at 818-217-0951 or by email at
Download Flyer

Sep 13, 2020 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, HS Band, Rehearsals
9-12 Orchestra:
9-12 Band:
Topic: The Stone Center for Learning and Awesomeness
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 965 8514 1690
Passcode: 8QxaCc
7/8 Orchestra:
7/8 Band: