Mar 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…
We all had a very musical week last week with the Concert on Wednesday evening and Festival on Friday. Congratulations to the Orchestra for across the board Superiors and Bravo to all the students who played and did so well!
The Festival was run beautifully! Thank you to Jason Stone for the hours of organization. Thank you to all the instrumental students who volunteered to do all the necessary tasks! You were a credit to the program and to the school. Finally, a big thank you to the parents who came to run the snack bar and other activities. We could not do it without your help!
We have added a very special concert to our schedule. Wednesday, April 5th at 7pm in the Choir Room, orchestra students who have been in the Chamber Music program will give a concert of string quartets. You are invited to come and listen to beautiful music played beautifully!
Mar 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
With the Ireland trip next March, the MPA will be having a Fundraising Brainstorming Meeting. The purpose of this meeting will be to figure out what new and exciting ways the students can earn funds so they are able to go on the trip.
All interested parents and students are welcome! Hope to see you there!
Mar 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
We have two performances this week! Our Festival Concert is Wednesday, March 15th at 7pm in the high school auditorium. The 7/8 Orchestra and the 9-12 Orchestra will perform the pieces that they have been practicing for the Festival on Friday.
Call time for the High School Orchestra is 6:30pm Wednesday evening, in the band room, wearing concert dress.
I encourage the parents to come and listen to these two groups. They have really explored these pieces in depth, and I think they all sound great! As a performer, I can say that it’s way more fun to play for a full auditorium rather than an empty one. Come out, if you can, and support our musicians!
Mar 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
On Friday, March 17th, the Instrumental Music Program will be hosting Festival. Our 7/8 Band and Orchestra and our 9-12 Band and Orchestra will participate.
We will also welcome groups from other local schools to our campus to participate.
Of course, these students will be hungry, so we will host a snack stand and sell yummy food and snacks.
This year we are asking for several items to be donated for the snack stand. Please click on the link to sign up to bring items. Please bring items to the band room prior to or on the evening of the Festival concert (Wednesday, March 15th).
We are also still looking for some helpers on Friday at the snack stand. You can sign up to volunteer using the same link.
Mar 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
My Mom never missed a concert in high school and on into undergrad and graduate school — At the time of graduate school at CSU Long Beach, she actually lived closer to campus than I did! — and I appreciated her support at every step of my musical journey.
Later my Mom told me she loved to see the progression of my learning. From hearing me practice in my room at home as a 4th grade saxophone beginner (Honk!Honk!Honk!) was not the musical virtuosity she was hoping to hear (she actually made me put a sock stuffed with other socks into the bell of my sax to mute it some). Later, hearing me at my Graduate recital was worth every moment in 4th grade and beyond, as she saw me play and perform as an accomplished musician.
Even now, my Mom comes to a few of the LCHS gigs just to see me conduct and lead a group. It still means a lot to me that she would want to come and see me conducting and developing the next generation of musicians. Everyone should support their children in that manner. Come to the concerts this Wednesday. You can’t imagine how impactful that will be for your children. I know it was for me. Thanks Mom!
Mar 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
Orchestra Festival Concert
Wednesday, March 15th
7pm, LCHS Auditorium
Featuring 7/8 Orchestra & Advanced Orchestra
Band Festival Concert
Wednesday, March 15th
8pm, LCHS Auditorium
Please join us for these concerts!
Mar 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
Cindy and Tom Huynh have made two incredible hardcover photo books for the 2016-2017 Marching Band season. Hopefully, you were able to see them at the Dinner Show. This is the last call for orders.
If you are interested in ordering one or both photo books you must:
- Contact Gita Singh with which book you want and how many.
- Gita must receive your check in the mail (made payable to “LCHS MPA”) by Friday March 10th – no exceptions.
The photo books are $40 each. The first focuses on the graduating senior class. The second one is more generalized and just as wonderful. Don’t let this wonderful opportunity pass you by. For those orders already placed, they should be available for pick up in approximately three weeks.
Mar 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
On Friday, March 17th, the Instrumental Music Program will be hosting Festival.
Our own 7/8 Band and Orchestra and our 9-12 Band and Orchestra will participate. We will also welcome groups from other local schools to our campus to participate.
Of course, these students will be hungry… So we will host a snack stand and sell yummy food and snacks. We are looking for several people to help with the snack stand. If you are interested in organizing or helping in the stand that day, please let Sandy know.
We have just a short time to get this up and running, so please don’t delay!
Mar 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
Yesterday, I took both Naomi and Alex to go see the drum line perform at the Monrovia show. We had a great time watching shows, hanging out, and the highlight of riding the truck’s lift gate.
The fun we had at the early season show was trying to figure out the show’s theme or concept. Some were easy — a clock ticking time, others we still have no clue what was going on. La Canada’s show was great and I’m excited to see it as it becomes complete.
Early season is always a work-in-progress type of show and I personally love seeing the journey of developing shows and skills to get to the final destination of a great show. I love that about music, it’s always a journey!
Have a great week and enjoy the journey!
Mar 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
MPA Meeting
Wednesday, 3/8
Band Room
Please join us for the March MPA meeting on Wednesday, March 8th at 7pm in the Band Room. All Instrumental Music parents are welcome to join us.
It’s time to start filling our positions for the 2017-18 school year. If you are interested in or curious about the different positions, please contact Monica Bachner and Tom Reynolds, our current MPA Presidents.
Please don’t hesitate to jump right in… Volunteering with this group is a wonderful experience!