Band Camp 2020

Welcome back!

Here we are… It’s August and school starts in just one week! So, let’s get our season started! We’re moving forward and looking for creative, innovative, and outside-the-box ways to bring our group together to make music and grow friendships. Please keep an open mind, hold your critiques and look for the positive. As with everything these days – things change all the time and we have to roll with it the best we can. It’s not a year to toss away, but one to stretch us out of our comfort zone and learn something new.

Starting Monday, August 10th, Band Camp will run from 3pm to 6pm Monday through Friday – and of course, everything will be online.

Here’s the link info: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 993 5319 3734
Passcode: 2x83HW

Band Camp Update

In a normal year our marching season would be ready to begin. But it’s 2020 and things just aren’t the same, unfortunately.

We will NOT be having our first week of band camp next week – August 3 through 7. You get one extra week of summer this year!

We will, however, be having some sort of Band Camp the following week of August 10 – 14. We’re not sure yet what Band Camp will look like, but more details will be available next week as soon as we get all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed. Stay tuned!

We will also hopefully have more details about the school year as a whole as it works within the Instrumental Music Program.

Hope you all have been enjoying the summer break and we look forward to doing as much as we can safely and within the District guidelines.

See you soon!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer and staying safe. While the final details of what the opening of school looks like in August is still being determined by the district, LA County of Public Health, and the State, there was an announcement by the Western Band Association, our marching circuit.

With lots of input from the directors in the association and looking at the current climate, WBA has decided to cancel all of their fall marching season events. While that brings great sadness to me, I think it’s the right decision at this time to keep everyone safe. However, we will continue to pursue our musicality and musicianship in spite of the cancellation.

What does this mean for the fall Mr. Stone?!? (I know that’s the next question.)

I have been thinking a lot about this and we will, with staff help, come up with a plan to incorporate some of our marching skills we’ve been honing in all summer and continue to build our musical abilities as well. However, we are going to put our current proposed fall show Diamonds on hold and try it again for next year when we can give it the proper treatment it deserves.

Please stay tuned for more posts in the coming weeks as more information about the fall comes about. We will still have band in the fall no matter how we start. Music is the thing we need in these crazy times.

2020-2021Marching Spartans Mini-Camp

2020-21 Marching Band & Color Guard (Marching Spartans)

June 8th-11th

Mini Camp goes Virtual!

Mini-Camp includes all 9-12 students for the 2020-2021 school year interested in Marching Band or Color Guard!

Mini-camp will happen on June 8-11 from 9am-1pm each day. During this time, we will be working on the preparations needed for our Fall Marching Show.

We will be meeting in Zoom meetings with staff instructing in Music, Visual, Guard and also time to connect with each other. Please schedule in this time into your days now as it is vital that everyone shows up and participates.

Freshmen families, this is the most important rehearsal you will attend as it will get you connected to your section leader and other students leadership, who will be doing sectionals throughout the summer. It is also the time where staff can focus on your training and becoming a true member of the La Cañada Marching Spartans!

The zoom info is in the LCHS Instrumental Music calendar Instrumental Music website, Looking forward to seeing all 100+ members (yes we are over a 100 now) on June 8th.

Here are the details as well:

Meeting ID: 954 9441 7667
Password: 5sGAwW

Senior Band & Orchestra Grad Cord & Concert Wear

If there are any seniors who have not yet picked up their graduation cord, please stop by and see Mrs. Miller at the District Business Office from 8am-1pm.

If there are any seniors who still have Concert Wear that they would like to donate, you may also drop that off to Mrs. Miller at the District Business Office from 8am-1pm. Thank you for your donation to the program.

7-12 Rental Instrument/Guard Equipment Return & Pickup

Rental Instruments

For those that are returning to LCHS in the Fall, you can just keep the instrument you have for practicing over the summer. Anyone that needs to turn in an instrument because they are not returning to LCHS in the Fall can drop off their instrument in the back parking lot by the band room at 9am on Tuesday, June 2nd.

Marching Instrument/Guard Equipment

Those that are needing a marching instrument or guard equipment for mini-camp, you can come and pick them up at that time as well. (Tuesday, June 2nd at 9am.)

Please stay in your cars initially as you pull up and wear a mask. Thank you!

Please fill out this form so we know to expect you, even if you have filled it out before.

This is also the form if you have textbooks stranded in your music lockers. Thank you!

Senior Cord Pickup & Concert Wear Donations

Senior (Band & Orchestra)

4-year Graduation Cord Pick Up

& Concert Wear Donations

Tuesday, May 26th


Seniors may stop outside the band room and pick up their graduation cord.

Seniors that would like to donate their Concert Wear back to the program, may place their Concert Wear on the rack outside the band room. (Thank you for your donation.)

Band/Guard Leadership Meeting with Marching Health

Band/Guard Leadership Meeting
Marching Health

Monday, May 18th – 4pm

Leadership is invited (required) to come and join Dr. Elliot Cleveland from Marching Health in a virtual clinic.

Marching Health will be supporting the band this year with advice and action plans on how to prepare like an athlete for Marching Band. All students will eventually benefit from this great program, this is just the first step for leadership to understand and learn, so they can pass it on to their sections. Be ready to move and wear good footwear. See ya there.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 854 5234 3298
Password: 206506

Instrumental Music Awards Night – May 19th

Awards Night

Tuesday, May 19th
Orchestra: 7pm
Band/Guard: 8pm

The instrumental music awards are going virtual this Tuesday! Many of the awards arrived at houses over the weekend (thanks to Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Munday, and Mr. Stone too), so come and celebrate the end of the year with each other.

Orchestra starts at 7pm and Band will begin at 8pm. Zoom links below! Can’t wait to see you all there.


Meeting ID: 943 7288 2969
Password: 4g3GVQ


Meeting ID: 976 5000 1891
Password: 1Awd3W

2020 Show Reveal & Marching Spartans Meeting

In an effort to be normal and optimistic about the future, we are going to be meeting on Monday night to discuss and answer all the questions you might have for the 2020-21 Marching Band season and beyond.

At the meeting you will see all that the program offers, calendar of events, and be present for the show reveal for the 2020 Marching Season. It’s a great time to get together and look positively to the future, a future I hope includes a marching band season.

So come join a mega zoom meeting at 7pm and be ready to find out all you can about the instrumental program. If you have questions during the meeting, please use the google form to ask you questions. I’ll be able to answer them in a less chaotic manner. Looking forward to seeing you all there on Monday.

(Zoom meeting details and google form for asking questions below.)

Show Reveal Meeting Info

Here are all the details you need for the zoom call on Monday:

Marching Band and Color Guard informational meeting discussing the program, calendar, etc. Will talk about how we are operating in this COVID environment And the show reveal for hopefully the 2020 Fall Marching Season.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 934 0781 0001
Password: 2R9Yhv

People will be placed in a waiting room and then be admitted into the room at the start of the meeting. Keep your mic muted to help with hearing the presentation.

Google form to ask questions, CLICK HERE.