Ahhhh… Fall! This season really gets me thinking of the school year starting. Cool days, crisp nights, football games, and sweaters! I hope everyone will enjoy these beautiful days!

I would like to thank Lori Silverman and Gayle Wilkinson for stepping up and taking care of the ordering and distribution of the orchestra concert wear. This is a big undertaking and I would like to thank both these ladies for being willing to take on this responsibility. Our Orchestra looks great, thanks to you! Of course, many, many thanks to our Concert wear chair of many years, Cecilia Cheng! We can’t thank you enough for your countless hours of service to the orchestra!
Our Instrumental Program is indebted to our many parent volunteers. We are so grateful to each person for their unselfish giving of time to our program. I am so, so grateful to all the parents who positively contribute to their child’s school life with positive action. You are heroes to me!
Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra Concert:
Saturday, September 30th

Alex Theater, Glendale
As soon as possible, please write a check to Mamiko Toda for the price of your tickets and have your student give the check to Lisa Toda in orchestra. The tickets will be passed out in Orchestra on Thursday and Friday of this week.