The 2020-21 school year has been unique, to say the least. But teachers and students are adapting as best as they can and music is being created in new, different, and creative ways.
As we begin 2nd semester, we are usually planning for the Dinner Show – our biggest fundraiser of the year – another event that is not possible this year.
We are hard at work budgeting and continuing our existing fundraisers to support our winter/spring programs.
Please remember to eat at Doña Maria’s on Sundays (they have been a great partner), inform students you know of the SAT/ACT prep tests, and promote the Booster Raffle! The students have contributed with sweatshirts, Go Fund Me, and bake sales so far this year! Even a one-time donation to the program is great!
Thank you for your continued financial support of our program! The Instrumental Music Program receives minimal district funding and we rely heavily on your generous hearts and keen investment in your child’s musical experience.