This Friday, both the 7/8 Band and the 7/8 Orchestra will perform at each of the three elementary sites.
Call time for all 7/8 students will be 7:15am to load instruments and load the bus. We will need parent helpers to ride the bus with the students. If you are available and willing, please let Mr. Myers know.
They will perform at PCR and then PCY. At approximately 11:30am the students will have a pizza lunch in Memorial Park. We would appreciate donations of fruit (cuties, apples, etc.), paper plates, napkins, and cookies. We will also need several parents to help serve the lunch in the park. Please contact Sandy Miller if you are available to help or willing to donate.
After lunch, the students will load the bus and travel to LCE to perform. After the last performance, the students will return to LCHS, unload the bus, and be dismissed for the day.
If you have questions, please contact Mr. Myers.