In this crazy time, I hope we can all find a way to see hidden treasures. For me and my family, just hanging out together without a schedule has been wonderful. A simple 1000 piece puzzle continues to give us hours of time together, talking and having much needed time together. I hope you all find time to renew old hobbies and connect with those in your house, or outside via FaceTime.
For our online learning, we will be working on improving our individual playing. Through a series of projects and video submissions, we will continue to work on improving our individual sound, so that when we come back together, our full ensemble sound will be improved. I would say if you spent 30-45 mins a day following the practice guidelines I will send out through Google Classroom, you will see some great improvements. I will be giving you feedback on your videos as well as holding office hours each day to chat about projects and challenges you are having. Think of this as a great time to individually grow.
All information, office hour access, projects, lessons, practice guidelines, etc. will come through Google Classroom. Please, if you haven’t already, sign up using these codes:
- Winds – bf4bpdc
- Percussion – wi6jmkd
- Guard – nzpgdd7
Grades will be given on each submission just to keep you motivated, so please submit. These should be fun and challenging and you will see growth if you stay consistent in how much time you give.
Thank you all for being flexible and resilient during these unprecedented times. You’ll all remember when back to this time and talk about how you did school online. Your kids will love hearing the story over and over again!
Good practicing and see you on the other side of all this!
Take care,
Mr. Stone