This Saturday’s competition is a late one, and a long day…

We will need volunteers to donate lunch items, and serve lunch, prior to departure, helpers at the competition, and items/helpers for the snack after the performance.

Items to Donate: monetary donations for sandwiches, chips, cookies, water bottles, cup-o-soups, cheese sticks, etc. If you are interested in donating any items, please contact Sheryl Madonna, and let her know what you would like to bring.


  1. We will need help serving the students lunch at approximately 1pm at the high school.
  2. We will need a few parents to ride the bus to/from the competition. Bus riders will need to be at the high school no later than 2:15pm.
  3. We will need parent helpers to plume, gauntlet, and push equipment at the competition. We would ask that you meet us in the warm-up area no later than 6:30pm.

No experience is necessary – just jump in and we’ll train you as we go.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sheryl Madonna and let her know you are available.

Crowd Supporters:
As always, a nice, loud, cheering audience is great support for our students. (And the judges notice too!) Thanks in advance for your support!