Lately, all of us have probably answered our front door, or in some other way looked into a bright face that asked us, “Would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?” It’s Girl Scout Cookie time – a tradition that is many decades old. This week, I heard an interview with a Girl Scout official who stated that Girl Scouts are not to sell the cookies online. The Girl Scout organization wants them to sell to people personally, so that the girls learn people skills.
I was really impressed by that and I couldn’t help but think of our music students and parents who are spending some of their weekends in front of the Ralphs in La Canada selling Dinner Show raffle tickets. These kids are meeting people personally, which is a fantastic way for our community to get to know them and see how great they are!
Thank you so much to all of the students who are personally selling tickets and who have sold tickets at Ralphs! Thank you, Monika Song, for spearheading this effort! We have one more weekend – have your students sign up to sell if they haven’t already, and if you can, drop by and say, “Hi,” to them!