Thank you to the parents that came to Back to School Night! It was great to see familiar faces and get to meet new parents. It is so vital that you are supportive of your children’s musical life. They may not say it, but it means a lot to them!
Thank you very much to the families of Ian B., Eugene and Heather H., and Annie W. for their donations to Apples for Teachers for the Orchestra. This is a great program that really helps out our classes at the school. Again, thank you!
The Orchestra has been exploring three musical pieces since the start of the school year. This week, we will begin to look at something new in addition to our performance pieces.
First, over the summer, I developed what I am calling, “Competency Levels,” for the LCHS Orchestra. There are four levels for each instrument beginning with a moderate competency level and going up to an advanced level. I will be sharing this with the students this week and explaining how it will work. I am excited to implement this new program, as I see that it will help the students improve their skills over the years that they are working in Orchestra. 
My second “new thing” is that I have put together, “Sight-reading Folders.” The school has an extensive music library, so I am collecting some of the standard repertoire for full orchestra music, and putting it into folders that we will bring out read every now and again. This will give the students practice in sight-reading, a good skill to develop, and also acquaint them with real world repertoire for full orchestra.