Uniform Fittings:
We will need four or five parent helpers to help fit uniforms on the workshop days. We will begin at 11am and go through 12:30pm. We’re hoping to fit one grade level each day, Monday through Thursday. No sewing — only snaps for hemming. If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know.
Registration Table:
We will need one adult helper to staff the registration table collecting forms and payments each day of workshops, Monday through Friday, from 12:15pm to 1:15pm. If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know. No previous experience necessary.
Band Camp:
We will need two bus riders, a truck driver, and a shuttle driver to get the students to Band Camp at Cal Poly Pomona on Tuesday, August 7th. (The shuttle driver will need to follow the buses to Band Camp and then bring the bus riders and truck driver back to LCHS.) We will leave at noon and return around 3:30pm.
We will need the same number of adults on the return trip coming back from Band Camp on Friday, August 10th. Adults will need to meet at LCHS at 1pm and return to campus around 4pm.
If you have never been to Band Camp, now is the time to check it out and see where your student will be spending the next four days.
If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know.
Family BBQ / Preview Night:
We will need helpers to set-up, serve, and clean-up at the Family BBQ. Set-up will begin at 3pm. Serving begins at 5pm. Clean-up is when everyone has eaten. If you are available and willing, please let Elizabeth Bohannon know.