Friday Dinner:
We will need donations of food and helpers to set-up, serve, and clean-up for the meal on Friday. Please contact Sheryl Madonna if you are available and willing. She will let you know what is needed.
Saturday Group Dinner:
This dinner will be a pre-performance meal with pasta, marinara sauce, bread, and fruit. (Vegan and gluten-free.) This meal is provided by the Championship donations.
We are looking for the big Costco-sized snacks to take to Clovis to hand out to the kids at various times throughout the weekend. Any kind of snack is fine – bring your student’s favorite. Please let Sheryl Madonna know if you are interested in bringing a snack.
Bus Riders:
We are still looking for a couple more bus riders… What about you? It’s an easy ride – think nap time. 🙂 Please let Sandy know if you are interested.
Room Checkers:
Parents with rooms reserved in the parent block will be assigned rooms to check on both nights.
Performance Helpers:
As always, we will need parents to help plume, gauntlet, and push equipment. Hoping some of you planning on attending will be able to help.
Thank you to all of the families who have helped this marching season! The students and staff are appreciative of all that you do — we couldn’t have done it without you!