Dear Winter Drumline Families:
So sad to see the Winter Drumline season end so suddenly, especially after our students have been working so hard in anticipation of competing at Dayton, Ohio. Additionally, we spent many hours planning all the logistics for this trip and are now spending many hours undoing all that hard work and we are working on getting refunds from WGI and Southwest Airlines as the MPA has already paid for the flights and the event registration and tickets for our students.
Regarding Dayton Trip refunds to parents, we have families that have paid in full or partially for the Dayton, Trip. We would like to offer the following options in terms of reimbursement.
- The amount you paid will be moved to your student’s account for future contributions and trips for the program.
- We can reimburse you directly with a check for amount you paid to date for Dayton, Ohio trip.
- Apply part of the reimbursement to cover your student’s contributions of $500 for the Winter Drumline program and reimburse to you the remainder.
We have many students who have not paid the $500 contribution for this season. We can apply part of your reimbursement to offset those dues. Please keep in mind that although our season is ending early, we have incurred most of the costs of the program. This includes the instructor costs, new uniforms, registration fees, new stage floor, new props, transportation, and equipment. While we are asking each family to pay $500 per student for the season, this does not cover the full cost of the Winter DL program to the MPA. Therefore, we appreciate your support and contributions to support not just Winter Drumline but the Instrumental Music Program overall.
Additionally, for those families who have not paid for Dayton and have not paid for the Winter Drumline program, we ask that you please send in a check for $500 made out to “LCHS MPA.” The checks can be dropped off in the black lockbox in the band room or mailed to:
P.O. Box 1307
La Cañada, CA 91012
If you cannot remember what you have paid with regard to the Dayton Trip and Winter DL contribution please reach out to the MPA Treasurer, Marshall Bohannon and he can email you your student balance to date. Please put “Winter Drumline Contributions” in the subject line.
Thank you for your continued support of the LCHS Instrumental Music Program.
Elizabeth Bohannon
LCHS MPA Board President
Mobile: 818-257-1210